Monday, September 16, 2013

Shameless Hauling

When I started my first blog a few years back I decided for a particular post I would share some of the clothes I bought from several recent shopping trips. I do still have some of the clothes I posted pictures of (go me!) and for a little while continued to share my treasures from shopping excursions. This was maybe four or five years ago and I no longer have that blog. I'm sure it's still floating out there in the dark recesses of the internet.

I will confess that for the most part I'm always a little behind when it comes to finding the next big thing on YouTube, so when my friend Abbi asked me if I had seen any 'My Haul' videos I was confused. First, I thought she said 'hall' like hall closet or something. Second, I didn't understand why anyone would do this or who would care to watch. I went home and looked up some videos to see what the deal was and I couldn't believe how many postings there were. What was most interesting was there were popular vloggers for this particular topic. I'll be honest, not impressed with the videos. I was rolling my eyes so often it hurt my face.

Then it hit me- I've done this before! Of course, at the time YouTube was not what it is today and I still don't know how to upload a video. I realized I had done the same thing many years before and then felt very silly for doing so. However, I recently went on a shopping trip and felt like I needed to share. So here it is, (sigh) haul.


I promise it's not as annoying as the teenage YouTube girls talking about a top they bought and saying "Um, I dunno, I just really liked the color and it's totally cute (winky duck face)!"

*I don't know how to make a winky duck face, but they do!

 I am so in love with this bag, but I'm waiting until Fall to use it. It is the Rebecca Minkoff 'Cupid' bag and I cannot wait to love it.

 I have been looking for black boots that I deemed worthy for a very long time. I wanted a riding boot that wasn't narrow around the ankle and I could tuck my skinny jeans into. These are Sam Edelman and they have a zipper along the back of the boot which makes for easy wear-ability.

 I like these a lot. That is all.

 The fashion community/ Pantone have deemed Emerald the color of the year and I could not agree more. I love this color, it is flattering on everybody. This dolman sweater is great for fall and is ridiculously comfortable, I foresee wearing it often and this makes me happy.

I'm a solid gold dancer, mom!
 I walked past this top several times at work looking longingly each time. I finally walked up to it nervously, this was the first time we met and I wanted to make a good impression. As soon as we touched I was in love and we haven't parted ways since. Sorry to get mushy, but I can't hide all my feels. I'm gonna layer this baby with everything!

 I love track pants, they are going to be the go to pant for the Fall. This navy blue pair is great as a neutral to pair with a lot of pieces, plus they have zippers down the front of the ankle! They look great unzipped a little with sky high pumps.

Again, drool
I'm gonna go ahead and say Burgundy/ Port/ Oxblood, what have you, will be a standout color for the Fall season as well. Also, these pumps kick ass.

My haul was probably more enduring than a YouTube video, I hope. I am really looking forward to Fall to wear all these pieces out and I hope you have some inspiration for the coming season!

Style on little warriors

*Note: I wrote this post about a month ago and have recently moved and even more recently acquired internet so please excuse the lateness of my posting. I have since worn pretty much every piece of clothing I posted on here and I must say I am so happy with my buying decisions. Also, it has since been NYFW (New York Fashion Week) and I still want to post about it so bear with me. I will still be up to date with the rest of the world's fashion weeks. Right now it's London!